
Oscar Wilde had once famously remarked: “with freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?”

To look up at the night sky and gaze at the heavens, and the many bedazzling inhabitants that populate it, is an emancipating experience which frees one from the many worries of life. Sure, the magnanimity of the cosmos might make us feel small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but one who learns to appreciate that fact soon realises that peering into our lives through the vastness of open space also makes our problems seem far smaller and less daunting. Thus, the skill to be able to marvel at the wonder that is our universe is an important one, and one that has captured the attention of the human race perhaps since its very inception.

Today, astronomy and astrophysics are one of the greatest avenues of scientific discovery, and thus it is important to inspire as many eyes as possible to lose themselves in these alleys charted by the star spangled fabric of the cosmos itself. But unfortunately, many miss out on this gift due to inadequate resources and lack of access to proper education. This is how Project LightYears was born.